Library of Congress Registration

Need your book registered with the Library of Congress (LOC)? I can help you!

Here is the benefit to registering your book with the LOC:

LOC Registration is officially and legally protecting your intellectual property. I do recommend that you register your book with the LOC. To be clear, right now you own your copyrights. According to the US Supreme Court, just because you wrote it you own your copyrights. But the difference between having your rights registered with the Library of Congress (LOC), is MONEY. Right now if someone were to steal your content you would take them to court to stop, and you would win. Yay. But if you're registered with the LOC and someone steals your content, well, now you take them to court and they would owe you $10,000 for every copy of that content you sold. For example if they sold 100 books with your content, they would owe you 100 x $10,000.

Here's what I'll do:
- Open a personal account for you with the Library of Congress
-Register your book
-When you pay for this service, the ($65) registration fee is included already

Here's what I need from you to get started:
-FINAL cover file and interior files in PDF format
- Your full name and address
- An email to put on file and a preferred password (to open the account for you)
- List out who owns the rights to: the text, the images, any illustrations inside the book, any graphs/charts, etc.

Turnaround time for registering your book will take me 2 days after the receipt of ALL your materials that I mention above. It will take 9-12 months to get your official certificate back from the Library of Congress.

Science Fiction
Romance (Sweet)
Romance (Steamy)
Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Young Adult
Cozy Mystery
Christian Fiction
Women's Fiction
Self-Help/Personal Development
Non-Fiction (General)
Fiction (General)
Most genres (just ask!)